The Blakely Burl Tree Project
(Beginning June 28, 2009)
"...The Blakely Burl Tree Project,
began as
an investigation into a rare Pecan
(Carya illinoinensis) burl tree located in
Blakely, GA.
Steve Cross of Cross Sawmill, Iron City, GA invited Mark Lindquist and Chris
Smith, woodworkers from Gadsden County, FL to check out a large burl tree that
he had been looking at for Stanley Houston.
Stanley Houston represents
Charles Rice Sr., of the
Charles and Catherine B.
Rice Foundation, who is interested in preserving the wood from the tree
which now is hanging above a drainage ditch. The tree must eventually be
taken down to make way for improvements to the drainage system and future
building plans. On Saturday, June 28, 2009, the four men studied the tree
and discussed possibilities regarding potential for future involvement.
Soon the Blakely Burl Tree Project was born.
Following are the first photos taken by Mark Lindquist documenting the tree and
the involvements of
Houston, Cross, Smith, and Lindquist. ..." |

The Blakely Burl Tree,
Steve Cross (left), Stanley Houston (center), Chris Smith,

The Blakely Burl Tree, and Steve
Cross, indicating breadth of tree.

The project idea began to grow, as Stanley
Houston explained about the Early County Project Initiative that the Rice
Foundation had established. Charles Rice, the Director of the CHARLES AND CATHERINE B. RICE FOUNDATION contacted Mark
Lindquist and began discussing the funding and potential of a project.
Lindquist and his wife Kathy, of Lindquist Studios in Quincy, FL created a
proposal detailing the potential for a major project involving the tree that
entails harvesting, sawing, curing and processing the material.
Catherine and Charles Rice decided that the project would be filmed in HD video,
documenting the process and the county, following the tree in its rebirth.
Mark Lindquist began assembling his team.
Photos: Mark Lindquist | Lindquist Studios 2008
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